Saturday, April 4, 2015


Why I Write Science Fiction

Because what’s more satisfying
than turning your ex into a handsome and charming
but secretly mind-controlled enemy drone—
and then having the heroine
kill him off with a ray gun?  So much better
than saying, “After we broke up,
he moved to Tennessee.”  Tennessee could be
a whole planet, orbiting a dying star,
its populace jumping ship in fast little sportscars
of spacecraft, a macrocosm of one life,
minus the inertia throw by filing taxes
mowing lawns, washing dishes, fixing small
dull things with screwdrivers: the one dimensional
minutiae of being Earthbound. 

 A black hole
can spit you out anywhere, but we can’t handle
that kind of possibility.  It’s about escape:
it’s more appealing to deal with a snarling
man-eating bat-beast in a cave on Redok VII
using only a pocketknife
than to deal with
your mother
your dickhead boss
or your guilt about everything.

All that empty space up there begs
to be hieroglyphed, flawless as new snow,
waiting for stories to be slung on grappling hooks
for us in our futuristic silver jumpsuits to climb,
to do something better with it—
to fire a shot at the moon
and maybe,
actually hit it.

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