Monday, April 15, 2013


Today's color prompt was gold, and the NaPoWriMo prompt dealt with persona poems.  Combine the two, and what do you get?  King Midas, of course!

Jogging with King Midas

At this hour of the morning,
everything is gold.  One foot hits the ground
after the other,  rhythm like a heartbeat.
I can freeze a beating heart, but
how can we freeze time?  A golden bust
mimics a moment—that day, a wisp
of hair fell here, a wrinkle had not yet formed there.
Daily we shift, turning gradually
into something new.  That yellow rose
will fade tomorrow—and with my touch,
it will change,  become a copy.  I have shoes
of gold, but they are worthless. Wealth is this
loaded moment,  running down the path. 
It’s the crisp air rushing
in and out of the lungs.
The only gold that matters is that which doesn’t last,
a wise poet once said—in this moment,
gold will spread to the horizon, the very air
will sparkle, and no amount of wishing
or magic will stop it from fading.

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